Debt Collectors / Henriksen Limited

Henriksen Limited - Stop Them Instantly for Free!

Expert reviewed

Kate Furlong • October 16th 2024 • Read time: 4 mins

IVA Wizard -- Expert Advice on Individual Voluntary Arrangements

Who is Henriksen Limited?

Henriksen Limited is a debt collection agency based in the United Kingdom. They specialise in providing a range of services to businesses and organisations looking to recover outstanding debts. As a professional debt collection company, Henriksen Limited offers various solutions to help creditors manage their accounts receivable and improve their cash flow.

Established with the aim of providing efficient and effective debt recovery services, Henriksen Limited has developed a reputation for their approach to debt collection. They utilise modern technology and industry best practices to streamline the collection process while maintaining compliance with relevant regulations.

Why might Henriksen Limited contact you?

If you've received communication from Henriksen Limited, it's likely because you have an outstanding debt with a company or organisation that has enlisted their services. This could be for various reasons, such as unpaid bills, overdue loan payments, or other financial obligations that have not been met.

Henriksen Limited may reach out to you through various channels, including letters, phone calls, or emails. Their primary goal is to recover the debt on behalf of their client, and they will attempt to establish contact with you to discuss the outstanding amount and potential repayment options.

What to do if you receive a letter from Henriksen Limited

Receiving a letter from a debt collection agency can be unsettling, but it's important to remain calm and take appropriate action. Here are some steps to consider:

1. Don't ignore the letter: Ignoring correspondence from Henriksen Limited won't make the debt go away and could potentially lead to further action.

2. Verify the debt: Ensure that the debt is indeed yours and that the amount claimed is correct. If you're unsure, you have the right to request further information.

3. Gather relevant documents: Collect any paperwork related to the debt, such as statements or previous correspondence.

4. Consider your options: Think about your financial situation and whether you're able to repay the debt in full or if you need to explore alternative arrangements.

5. Respond to Henriksen Limited: It's advisable to contact them to discuss your situation and potential next steps.

The best way to deal with Henriksen Limited

When dealing with Henriksen Limited, it's crucial to approach the situation proactively and professionally. Here are some tips to help you navigate the process:

1. Communicate openly: Be honest about your financial situation and willingness to resolve the debt.

2. Keep records: Document all communications with Henriksen Limited, including dates, times, and the content of conversations.

3. Explore repayment options: If you're unable to pay the full amount immediately, discuss potential repayment plans or settlements with Henriksen Limited.

4. Seek advice if needed: If you're unsure about how to proceed, consider seeking guidance from a debt advice charity or financial advisor.

5. Stay calm and courteous: Remember that Henriksen Limited's representatives are doing their job, and maintaining a respectful dialogue can lead to more positive outcomes.

Your rights against Henriksen Limited

As a consumer, you have certain rights when dealing with debt collection agencies like Henriksen Limited. It's important to be aware of these rights to ensure fair treatment throughout the process:

1. Right to dispute the debt: If you believe the debt is not yours or the amount is incorrect, you have the right to challenge it.

2. Protection from harassment: Debt collectors must not use aggressive or intimidating tactics to recover debts.

3. Reasonable contact: Henriksen Limited should not contact you at unreasonable times or with excessive frequency.

4. Privacy: Your debt should not be discussed with third parties without your consent.

5. Clear information: You have the right to receive clear and accurate information about the debt and the collection process.

Understanding Henriksen Limited's Services

Henriksen Limited offers a comprehensive range of services to assist businesses with their debt recovery needs. Their primary services include debt collection, call centre support, and tracing services. They also provide small and ad hoc collections, which can be particularly useful for businesses dealing with occasional or low-value debts.

Additionally, Henriksen Limited offers status enquiries and company searches, which can help creditors gather important information about debtors before pursuing collection actions. These services demonstrate Henriksen Limited's commitment to providing a holistic approach to debt recovery.

The Debt Collection Process

Understanding the debt collection process can help alleviate some of the stress associated with being contacted by Henriksen Limited. Typically, the process begins with initial contact, usually in the form of a letter or phone call, informing you of the outstanding debt and requesting payment.

If the initial contact doesn't result in payment or a satisfactory arrangement, Henriksen Limited may escalate their efforts. This could involve more frequent communication or, in some cases, legal action. However, it's important to note that most debt collection agencies, including Henriksen Limited, prefer to resolve matters amicably without resorting to legal measures.

Exploring Debt Solution Options

If you're struggling to repay your debt, there are various solutions available that might help you manage your financial situation. One such option is an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA), which is a formal agreement between you and your creditors to repay your debts over a set period.

Other potential solutions include Debt Management Plans, Debt Consolidation Loans, or in more severe cases, bankruptcy. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and what's suitable for one person may not be appropriate for another. It's crucial to thoroughly understand these options and their implications before making a decision.

The Importance of Financial Health

Dealing with debt collection can be a wake-up call to reassess your overall financial health. This experience can serve as an opportunity to develop better financial habits and create a more stable financial future. Consider creating a budget, building an emergency fund, and exploring ways to increase your income or reduce your expenses.

Remember, financial difficulties can happen to anyone, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. There are numerous resources available to help you improve your financial literacy and management skills.

Communicating with Henriksen Limited

When you need to get in touch with Henriksen Limited, there are several ways to do so. You can call them directly on 0113 297 7515 to speak with a representative about your account. If you prefer written communication, you can email them at For those who like to gather information independently, Henriksen Limited's website at provides valuable resources and information about their services.

Regardless of how you choose to communicate, it's important to be prepared. Have your account details ready, be clear about your situation, and if possible, have a proposal in mind for how you intend to address the debt.

Moving Forward After Debt Resolution

Once you've resolved your debt with Henriksen Limited, it's important to take steps to prevent similar situations in the future. This might involve creating a budget, setting up automatic payments for bills, or seeking financial education to improve your money management skills.

Remember that resolving a debt is a positive step towards financial health. While the process may have been challenging, you can use this experience as motivation to maintain good financial habits moving forward.

Stop Henriksen Limited Instantly for Free!

Discover quick and easy ways to stop Henriksen Limited in their tracks and write off your debt. Do not delay.